Welcome to our blog! It’s something new we’re trying out.
We at Mentorly 💛 artists. I mean, we ARE artists. That’s why we started this whole thing – to help artists succeed. So, we wanted to take that even further and use this blog to talk to you a little more about the business side of art. We’re going to use this platform to share tips, resources, interviews with professionals, and experiences, all in the hopes that you can get a little more out of it, and advance your career and/or practice.
Right now we have links to some videos, articles, resources, outside articles about us, articles about our mentors and mentees… We’re sure these will grow and change and evolve as we continue on this creative journey, and we would love to get your feedback to help us do that. Feel free to let us know what you want to read about to improve your experiences.
Happy reading!
Love, Mentorly